Trump takes a call from Taiwan and the diprotic word has a collective stroke. Obama uses a UN vote to kick Israel one last time. The diplomats stand silent or cheer.
The decision to abstain from the council's 14-0 vote is one of the biggest American rebukes of its longstanding ally in recent memory. And it could have significant ramifications for the Jewish state, potentially hindering Israel's negotiating position in future peace talks. Given the world's widespread opposition to settlements, the action will be almost impossible for anyone, including Trump, to reverse.
Netanyahu's office said;
"Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the U.N. and will not abide by its terms," and adding "protect Israel against this gang-up at the UN" in addition to "Israel looks forward to working with President-elect Trump and with all our friends in Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, to negate the harmful effects of this absurd resolution."
In a statement, Secretary of State John Kerry said the vote was guided by the principle: "To preserve the possibility of the two-state solution".
Sen. Lindsey Graham, who heads the Senate appropriations panel in charge of U.S. payments to the global body, said he would "form a bipartisan coalition to suspend or significantly reduce" such funding. He said countries receiving U.S. aid also could be penalized for backing the effort.
Obama attitude with Israel has been well known and with this action is well understood.
It will be ok, Have another cup of coffee. Israel...put up or shut up.

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