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Showing posts from January, 2016

Joe Biden is ready to go.

  The script has been written. With Hillary Clinton's favorable poll number falling faster than the stock market. Can Hillary some how drag herself across the presidential finish line.   Is the Democrat party going to take that chance?   The FBI holds Hillary Clinton's political future in it's hands as a recommendation for an indictment is close to a serenity.  The possibility that the DOJ sits on the FBI's recommendation as the primaries go on, is a risk that in political terms can not be taken.   This how I see it; The FBI recommends an indictment to the DOJ. The DOJ files charges against Hillary Clinton. Obama does nothing to or for Hillary Clinton. The Clinton campaign unravels as supports, staff, donors flee to Bernie Sanders. The National Democrat Party Draft Joe Biden to be the Democrat presidential nomine. Bernie Sanders screams bloody murder about it but to no avail. The contest then becomes Joe...

Trump is making a deal not running a campaign.

Consider this, all the other candidates running for either the Republican or Democrat nomination are (campaigning). Donald Trump is in the process of doing a deal. A deal with the American people and not the media.    As all the other candidates are offering a laundry list of what they will do as president. Donald Trump is showing people how he would act as president.   Donald and Fox news were negotiating on what was needed for him to appear at the debate. An agreement could not be reached so Mr. Trump walked (no deal). This fly's in the face of the most recent media buzz that Trump would be doing deals with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed just for the sake of having a deal.  Mr. Trump is more than willing to do deals. However, Mr. Trump does deals that benefit and advance his goals not those of an adversary. These deals are done with Mr. Trump giving up as little as possible and his willingness to walk away is a tactic that the Republicans...

Cricketscoffee Blog: Is Donald Trump campaiging for president or negoti...

Cricketscoffee Blog: Is Donald Trump campaiging for president or negoti... :   Is Donald Trump crazy? This is likely your first thought on Trump's decision not to be at the upcoming  Fox news debate.  Conside...