Mitt Romney is going to do what? The answer to that will come Tomorrow 3/3/16. The Republican establishment is in it's take no prisoners mode and Mitt Romney is the hatch man who is first in line. With the possibility of an announcement of his candidacy or an endorsement off the table. One can only assume it will be an all out frontal assault on Donald Trump. The question is on what subject? Is it the recent smear that Trump has sympathy with the Klan and white supremacy. Is it immigration and or "the wall". Not likely. An attack by the establishment Republicans led by Mitt Romney on "issues" would be greeted by Trump Supporters as a badge of honor. So what then you ask? Do any of you recall the Clarence Thomas supreme court hearings and Anita Hill? For those of you who don't, Anita Hill made baseless personal charges at Mr. Thomas's conformation hearings. Charges so vile that they was almost un air able on netwo...
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