They have the big one .... The leap from the run of the mill nuclear bomb to a Hydrogen bomb. Is as President Trump would say: HUGE! The most ask question is now what? More money? Assassination of the nut job running North Korea? Preemptive strike? The easy answer is money. Pay the little creep off and kick the can down the road like Presidents of both party's have done sense 1953. Has president Trump left himself the political room to make this move? At first glance it would appear as tho he has not. Trump as a business man knows when to cut his losses. However a political leader now it's not just monetary capital that is lost but political capital as well . With the endless pounding President Trump gets from the main stream media on even the most trivial issue, a back down from North Korea would bring a scorched earth result in Trumps press image. This is why the events concerning North Korea are so unpredictable Any unpredictability and hydroge...
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