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Showing posts from November, 2019

London Green Left Blog: Green Strategy: To beat climate change, humanity n...

London Green Left Blog: Green Strategy: To beat climate change, humanity n... : Written by W.T. Whitney and first published at People’s World Humans may not survive. Reports from the UN’s Inter-Governmental Pane...

London Green Left Blog: Of Course US Corporations Want Access to the UK’s ...

London Green Left Blog: Of Course US Corporations Want Access to the UK’s ... : After the, ahem, unusual intervention by a faith leader into the UK General Election, with claims by the UK’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvi...

London Green Left Blog: The English Diggers, the "Commons," and the Green ...

London Green Left Blog: The English Diggers, the "Commons," and the Green ... : Written by Ed Simon and first published at History News Network In April of 1649 a group of radicals, some veterans of the recent En...

UFO #area51 Perpares of up coming invasion this September.

She's sexy, smart and in the loop on the China trade deal.

AOC and the Squad

Effectsof climate change on coffee Production.

Effects of Climate Change on Coffee Production Reduced crop yields are a result of drought in some regions and increased humidity and precipitation in others. For example, increase moisture leads to the proliferation of pests like the Coffee Berry Borer and diseases including ‘la rosa’ or stem rust. Coffee rust hit central American coffee production in 2012-13. As a result, prices for consumers in the U.S. jumped about 33% from 2011 – 2013. Coffee production is dependent on predictable cycles of rainfall, dry periods and temperature changes. Coffee typically flowers when there’s a dry period followed by significant rainfall. Generally, a dry period of three months is necessary to stress the coffee plant and produce flowers. However, a shorter dry period and extended rainfall can result in reduced flowers. Fluctuations in weather patterns such as precipitation, temperature, storms, strong winds, and other extreme weather patterns can negatively affect the quality and producti...