All the talk of a Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump ticket have vanished and
it would seem understandable.
During last weeks of the campaign, Trump and to a lesser extent Cruz have been at each other like a couple going thru a bad divorce and fighting over the children.
The conventional wisdom would say that those two would never team up.
But don't be so fast. Couples who have went tooth and nail in a divorce. Often do find a way to work together for the good of the children. In the Trump/Cruz case it's not the children but the country.
Can the charges Trump has plastered Cruz with be washed away is a question that I can not answer. Only the politics of a Trump/Cruz ticket bring the need to find a way to make Trumps charges against Cruz (go away).
A Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump ticket would appear to be a winner, but has this been forever damaged by Trumps tactics against Cruz in the last few weeks. Sending that possibility to the bottom as surely as the Titanic.
Or did it?
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