Colorado is a case and point in "inside politics" Yes is was all done by the rules. Yes everyone knew the rules or at least should have. So what does Donald Trump have to bitch about?
It's inside politics. It is exactly what many Trump supports have their hair on fire about.
Promises were made, perk were given, all are with in the rules. "The rules" is a battle the Trump and his supporters will be fighting till they reach Cleveland.
If you are a Trump supporter or not, "the rules" are there for the political elite. It's their party, not the voters. Try and change that and you are on dangerous ground (political speaking).
Ted Cruz has used "the rules " to his advantage in Colorado. Those same rules will be used to stop Ted just as quickly as they were used to slow Trump.
Today it's Trump bitching about "the rules" it will not be long and Ted will get a taste of "the rules"
Lets just see if the media gives the same reaction to that event as they have with Trump.
In closing it's not just Ted and Trump who get read "the rules" but all of us. You see according to the political elite,
we don't understand.
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