This cycle is hugely different though. With the Trump, Cruz knock down drag out battle on the republican side and the Hillary, Bernie battle on the democrat side Indiana does matter.
Indiana is not a win or die level of importance but with each vote on the first ballet as valuable as gold, Indiana will get far more attention than the norm.
Indiana is for the most part a republican leaning state with having only gone democrat on the presidential ticket once in recent political history 2008 and Obama.
Hillary would seem to have the advantage in Indiana for the primary win over Bernie. As Bernie is a little to far left of center for Indiana democrat voters.
The Trump, Cruz contest is a little more difficult to call though. Trump's message on trade, works well with the manufacturing base in Indiana but it cut the wrong way with Indiana's farmers.
Farm products are one of the few places where The Unites States has a trade surplus. This places Trumps positions on trade as a huge problem with Indiana's farmers who don't want that boat rocked.
Cruz's conservatism is a good fit with Indiana as a whole but That pesky 35% that are Trump supporters no matter what. Will likely give Trump the upper hand in Indiana's delegate count.
Indiana being an open primary gives an advantage to Trump as well.
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