China plays hard ball with the US yet again. The US unmanned drone they snatched from the south china sea is small in the scope of US China relations. But that's how big problems start.
"It is ours, and it is clearly marked as ours and we would like it back. And we would like this not to happen again," Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said. We would "like" it back.... All that is missing from Mr. Davis's statement is "pretty please with sugar on top."
Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook on Friday demanded that China return the unmanned underwater vehicle or UUV, which he said was “a sovereign immune vessel of the United States.”
Immune? Apparently not or China could not have taken it.
China has claimed the South China Sea, off the coast of the Philippines, as its territorial waters, but the United States and its allies have pushed back against the Chinese claim.
John McCain (R-Ariz.), the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement Friday: “The Chinese Navy’s seizure of a U.S. unmanned oceanographic vessel in international waters is a flagrant violation of the freedom of the seas. China had no right to seize this vehicle. And the United States must not stand for such outrageous conduct."
China is playing the bully. What will the incoming administration answers be?

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook on Friday demanded that China return the unmanned underwater vehicle or UUV, which he said was “a sovereign immune vessel of the United States.”
Immune? Apparently not or China could not have taken it.
China has claimed the South China Sea, off the coast of the Philippines, as its territorial waters, but the United States and its allies have pushed back against the Chinese claim.
John McCain (R-Ariz.), the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement Friday: “The Chinese Navy’s seizure of a U.S. unmanned oceanographic vessel in international waters is a flagrant violation of the freedom of the seas. China had no right to seize this vehicle. And the United States must not stand for such outrageous conduct."
China is playing the bully. What will the incoming administration answers be?
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