President elect Donald Trump gave Carrier nothing.
Governor Pence and state officials had tried to work with Carrier in an effort to keep Carrier in Indiana including the tax break/incentives they ultimately did receive. Carrie's answer was no deal.
They were leaving.
But then Donald Trump wins the election. The possibility of reduced regulations and lower corporate taxes became a reality. The stick of a 35% tariff on their product made in Mexico is a real possibility. President elect Trump makes the call to Carrier reinforcing his pledge for lower corporate taxes and regulator relief. This in addition to Indiana's tax breaks/relief make the move to Mexico less attractive to Carrier.
Indiana's deal with Carrier is not even remotely crony capitalism. Indiana's deal with Carrier is done nation wide every day. I would suspect that the state of Alaska has on more than on occasion done the exact same type of deal as Indiana has done.
Perhaps Sarah Palin should watch more of Sour grapes on her part than crony capitalism on President elect Trumps part. rouge
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