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Showing posts from February, 2016

Bernie Sanders wins area 51 caucus vote in Nevada

 The votes are in and Hillary Clinton pulls out a close victory in the Nevada caucus. However there is one bright spot for Bernie Sanders in the Nevada results.  The infamous area 51 caucus vote went to Bernie.   Mr. Sanders positions on immigration were sighted in exit polls as the primary reason for his good showing at area 51.    Surprisingly the alien vote would appear to be natural Donald Trump supporters but this turned out to not be the case. With exit polls showing the alien caucus voters main issue is illegal immigration at their home planet (Mars). With the open planetary borders polices of the Mars Federation sighted as the main reason.   The anti Jupiter voters decided to make a push for Bernie in order to increase the number of space aliens admitted to the US. Jupiter's lagging economy is the main reason for the influx of immigration to Mars in turn shifting the desire for additional immigration numbers...

Ted Cruz aka Dudley do right is taking Donald Trumps wearthing attacks in stride.

  Ted Cruz is enduring constant twitter hits from Donald Trump. But true to form Ted takes the high road in reacting to the twitter onslaught. Is this a window into Ted's personality or is it the cool calculated reaction of a politician. The temptation to go toe to toe with Trump on the twitter battle field is one most of us would chose. But not Ted.   Ted needs a win in New Hampshire to put Donald Trump on the ropes. A strong second will not due. There will be a huge temptation for Ted go nuclear on Trump if the polls show a neck and neck race in the last hours before the New Hampshire vote.  Perhaps the events coming to light that took place just before and during the Iowa caucus are a hint? Ben Carson is quitting....   Watch the poles. If Ted starts gaining ground on Trump. Trump will double down on Ted as he has on everyone else. This will make any reaction that Ted has, at the very least appear as justified.  ...

Is a Trump /Cruz ticket possable for the fall election?

   All the talk of a Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump ticket have vanished and  it would seem understandable.     During last weeks of the campaign, Trump and to a lesser extent Cruz have been at each other like a couple going thru a bad divorce and fighting over the children.   The conventional  wisdom would say that those two would never team up. But don't be so fast. Couples who have went tooth and nail in a divorce. Often do find a way to work together for the good of the children. In the Trump/Cruz case it's not the children but the country.   Can the charges Trump has plastered Cruz with be washed away is a question that I can not answer. Only the politics of a Trump/Cruz ticket bring the need to find a way to make Trumps charges against Cruz (go away).   A Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump ticket would appear to be a winner, but has this been forever damaged by Trumps tactics against Cruz in the last...

Trump skipping the debate cost him the win in Iowa. Or did it?

   The votes are in and Ted Cruz comes away with the win. How is that possible you ask yourself? Donald Trump was leading in all the polls. The speculation on why is all over the map, with the most often heard is that skipping the last debate cost Trump the win.   Don't be so fast....Who is pressing this reason? Short answer, the media. The media was not happy when Trump pressed his point that they need him more than he needs them. The second place showing for Trump in Iowa is an opening for the media to press the point that if you are in politics they (the media) are the gate keepers to success.   The push to place Trumps no show at the last debate as the reason for his 2nd place finish is self serving for the media. It is a shot across the bow of any other hope full political candidate that, you must pay your respect to the all mighty media or suffer the consequences.   The reason or reasons for Trumps 2nd place finish in Iowa will become clea...