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Showing posts from April, 2016

Only Ted Cruz can beat Donald Trump

   Have you seen the ads? You know the "Only Ted Cruz can beat Donald Trump" ads. They are every place.    What good is Ted Cruz beating Donald Trump if  the establishment republicans will do all that is within their power to insure he looses in the fall. Ted Cruz is hated by the republican establishment. Of that there is no question.   Where Donald Trump is only slightly more palatable to the establishment Republicans. As he appears to be more likely to engage establishment Republicans in policy. Making him less of a threat to their power and influence in Washington.   Jeb remember "low energy Jeb" the party chosen one was and epic fail. Marco failed to take Jeb's place as the party favorite with the Florida loss. Since that happened the powers that be in the Republican party have been playing damage control. The damage that they look to control is in their power structure.    In many ways t...

Indiana wants me. Trump and Cruz battle over Indiana. It's going to be close

  Indiana counts this time. Indiana has only 57 delegates to the republican convention. Small potato's in comparison to say California. So why do those 57 delegates have so much sway? Mr. Trump is the only one with a pray of getting the 1237 delegates to win on the first ballot. To say the least every delegate counts. How ever it is the momentum of an Indiana win. Even by the smallest of margins. That Mr. Trumps needs as much as the additional delegates.    Indiana would on the surface appear to be Ted Cruz country. Indiana state wide is conservative for the most part. Unlike most larger mid west city's even Indianapolis is perhaps not hard core concretive but if a far cry from say a Chicago in it's political leanings.  To take an expected Ted Cruz win away in what would appear to be a Ted Cruz state. Gives Mr. Trump the media buzz of momentum.   In politics perception is reality. The media will ta...

Unfavorable does not equal unelectable.

   Donald Trump's unfavorable numbers are only slightly lower than Satin.  So what are we to make of this information? Would a Trump nomination be a land slide loss to Hillary?    Unfavorable does not equal unelectable. A person you find unfavorable will win. What do you do? Stay home? Millions  always do and will this cycle also. So stay home.  Do you hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils?  Republicans have many times. John Mc Cain, Mitt Romney, Bob Dole. Need I go on?   You happy with the country as it is and where it's going. Your going to go for Hillary. You mad as hell at Politicians (all of them both Democrat and Republicans a like)? Why not give Trump a vote? At the very least you have scared the hell out of the DC establishment. This alone (could ) change things.  The hand righting is on the wall. Establishment politicians are out to protect their turf. You are a formality o...

Cruz wins Colorado. Don't be so fast.

  Ted Cruz dominated in Colorado of that there is no debate. Ted did it by playing inside politics (establishment politics).  This is one of  Donald Trumps main criticisms of how Washington works.   The Colorado delegate selection process was set up that way. It's their party and they are fully in powered to make the rules as they see fit. There was no cheating, rule breaking or any of that. They made the rules and everyone was told the rules including Trump.  So why did Trump not even try in Colorado?  Trump at best would have only gathered a hand full of  Colorado delegates. In order to gain this small number delegates Trump would have had to practice (establishment politics).    A practice his supporters will not tolerate. So Trump stayed true to his word on establishment politics and took the loss. Thus avoiding the criticisms he would have been plaster with such as hypocrite and may others from the media. ...

Ted Cruz uses "the rules" just like the political elite do, in Colorado.

  Has Ted Cruz gone to the dark side?   Colorado is a case and point in "inside politics" Yes is was all done by the rules. Yes everyone knew the rules or at least should have. So what does Donald Trump have to bitch about?  It's inside politics. It is exactly what many Trump supports have their hair on fire about. Promises were made, perk were given, all are with in the rules. "The rules" is a battle the Trump and his supporters will be fighting till they reach Cleveland.  If you are a Trump supporter or not, "the rules" are there for the political elite. It's their party, not the voters. Try and change that and you are on dangerous ground (political speaking).   Ted Cruz has used "the rules " to his advantage in Colorado. Those same rules will be used to stop Ted just as quickly as they were used to slow Trump.  Today it's Trump bitching about "the rules" it will not be long and Ted will get a taste of "th...

Will Indiana Go Trump or Cruz?

 What role can Indiana play in the republican primary? To say the least, Indiana has been a non factor in previous presidential primary's.   This cycle is hugely different though. With the Trump, Cruz knock down drag out battle on the republican side and the Hillary, Bernie battle on the democrat side Indiana does matter.  Indiana is not a win or die level of importance but with each vote on the first ballet as valuable as gold, Indiana will get far more attention than the norm.   Indiana is for the most part a republican leaning state with having only gone democrat on the presidential ticket  once in recent political history 2008 and Obama.   Hillary would seem to have the advantage in Indiana for the primary win over Bernie. As Bernie is a little to far left of center for Indiana democrat voters.   The Trump, Cruz contest is a little more difficult to call though. Trump's message on trade, works well with...