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Showing posts from December, 2016

US History Not needed for College major in History. Only in America.

 The College fix reports that George Washington University has changed its course requirements for history major to no longer include U.S. history.    The university’s history department recently introduced new requirements with the stated aim of giving students greater flexibility to pursue their interests, and to “better reflect a globalizing world,” according to faculty. Source;

A New Ice Home on Mars: NASA Langley’s Icy Concept for Living on the Red Planet

For researchers at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, the best building material for a new home on Mars may lie in an unexpected material: ice. Additional information and source material.  

Big City Mayors setting up Huge fight with Trump.

  Big city Mayor are hell bent on maintaining illegal immigrants in their city's.  To what end is  anyone's best guess.  A show down between Trump and these Mayors is looming in the future. It will not be pretty. More details and important information.

What's hiding under Antarctic ice?

schwit1 quotes a report from The Sun: Scientists believe a massive object which could change our understanding of history is hidden beneath the Antarctic ice . The huge and mysterious "anomaly" is thought to be lurking beneath the frozen wastes of an area called Wilkes Land. It stretches for a distance of 151 miles across and has a maximum depth of about 848 meters. Some researchers believe it is the remains of a truly massive asteroid which was more than twice the size of the Chicxulub space rock which wiped out the dinosaurs. If this explanation is true, it could mean this killer asteroid caused the Permian-Triassic extinction event which killed 96 percent of Earth's sea creatures and up to 70 percent of the vertebrate organisms living on land.This "Wilkes Land gravity anomaly" was first uncovered in 2006, when NASA satellites spotted gravitational changes which indicated the presence of a huge object sitting in the middle of a 300 mile wide impact cr...

NASA Plans for using an ice Dome on Mars

NASA Ice Dome for Mars Nasa is working on a new solutions to a housing structures for Mars.  

The problems of whiteness. The latest College class for your kids.

Being White appears to be a problem. Well at least to some it does. In yet one more example of out rage over last falls election. The University of Wisconsin ok's a class on "The problem of whiteness".  

Amazon and Led Zeppelin have what in common?

Amazon has plans for a flying warehouse. It would be a zeppelin where drones would fly into and out of delivering your package.  

Israel..... put up or shut up on US involvement on UN vote.

   Israel say it has proof that the US was behind the resent UN vote that is causing a diplomatic earth quake. John Kerry denies the charge in strongest of "diplomatic" terms.    So will Israel have to put up or shut up? Not really.   Israel spy's on the US  as we spy on them. To "put up" would be to do exactly what Obama would want. To publicly expose there (Israel's) intelligence gathering ability for all to see would do greater harm than a UN vote.  Obama and John Kerry are soon out of power. Israel knows it and Trump knows it This childish in your face move by Obama and Kerry will fade as surely as Hillary Clinton has.  Obama takes a parting shot at Israel  

California puts climate change ahead of economic growth.

  California is going all in on climate change. With the election of Donald Trump California's position on climate change is on the line. As it stands now it's full steam ahead with CO 2 emission reduction mandated by the state regardless on the adverse affects on expanding business in California.    “California can make a significant contribution to advancing the cause of dealing with climate change, irrespective of what goes on in Washington,” Mr. Brown said in an interview. “I wouldn’t underestimate California’s resolve if everything moves in this extreme climate denial direction. Yes, we will take action.” “They could basically stop enforcement of the Clean Air Act and CO 2 emissions,” said Hal Harvey, president of Energy Innovation, a policy research group in San Francisco. “That would affect California because it would constrain markets. It would make them fight political and legal battles rather than scientific and technological ones.”  “If the ot...

Trump; fix it or lose it when it come to Nuclear Triad.

    “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” Trump wrote. “Our nuclear program has fallen way behind, and they’ve gone wild with their nuclear program. Not good. Our government shouldn’t have allowed that to happen,” Trump said at the second debate against Hillary Clinton. “Russia is new in terms of nuclear. We are old. We’re tired. We’re exhausted in terms of nuclear. A very bad thing"   Trump is said to believes in “the need to improve and modernize our deterrent capability as a vital way to pursue peace through strength.”    “We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defense systems,”    “A Trump Administration also recognizes the uniquely catastrophic threats posed by nuclear weapons an...

Obama Takes a parting shot at Israel.

       Trump takes a call from Taiwan and the diprotic word has a collective stroke. Obama uses a UN vote to kick Israel one last time. The diplomats stand silent or cheer.   The decision to abstain from the council's 14-0 vote is one of the biggest American rebukes of its longstanding ally in recent memory. And it could have significant ramifications for the Jewish state, potentially hindering Israel's negotiating position in future peace talks. Given the world's widespread opposition to settlements, the action will be almost impossible for anyone, including Trump, to reverse. Netanyahu's office said;    "Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the U.N. and will not abide by its terms," and adding "protect Israel against this gang-up at the UN" in addition to "Israel looks forward to working with President-elect Trump and with all our friends in Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, to...

I am not 'boycotting' anything," Bourdain sayes

   "I am not 'boycotting' anything," Bourdain wrote. "I choose to not patronize chefs who tacitly support deporting half the people they've ever worked with." Chef Anthony Bourdain recently clarified why he has refused to eat at any restaurant owned by Donald Trump. The television personality berated chefs who "tacitly support" the president-elect's immigration policy by working for him in a Thursday Tweet, while also noting the huge numbers of undocumented immigrants in the restaurant industry.    The tweet came as a follow up to comments Bourdain made in an interview in the Wednesday's addition of Eater. When asked about sushi chef Alessandro Borgognone's recent decision to move his restaurant to Trump's Washington D.C. hotel, Bourdain said he would "never eat in his restaurant" and felt "utter and complete contempt" for the chef. Get a little spice with your coffee.  

The First Amendment Defense Act. FADA

     The First Amendment Defense Act in part reads,  “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.”    In a nut shell the bill prohibits the federal government from punishing a person who discriminates against other people. The bill also makes allowances for discrimination against lesbian, transgender, gay as well as additional minority groups. The language regarding marriage also makes it appear as if discrimination against heterosexual people who have sex outside of marriage would be permitted.    The bill was presented in 2015 in both the House and the Senate with it only received a hearing...

United Kingdom petition has reached 500,000 to ban Trump

Trump in Mexico, 30 year old Trump video. Sure give her a drink!

China reacts to Trump's election

Trump's extreme vetting in action.

Michelle Obama's Hope is gone. Good reddens

Michelle Obama: Hope is lost.    Hillary Clinton loses an election and Hope is lost. Oh no! Obama supports would say. It's that Donald Trump won. If it were anyone else there could be at least some hope. But Donald Trump!    Is the Presidency of Michelle's husband so fragile so tenuous that 1 person can vanquish all hope.  Hope for the planet to be saved from the ravages of man and fossil fuels. Hope the world's religions of peace are properly respected. Hope that Gitmo will be at long last emptied.    Hopes they may all be. Nightmares to others. The arrogance of Michelle Obama implying her hopes are the only hopes of the nation. The unstated position that to not support her hopes is to extinguish all hope. The Obamas are soon to re enter a world where to a much lesser extent they do not have the power to dispense or define hope.  Finally.....Free at last.....Free at last. Thank god almighty ...Free at last.

US Wanted China to seize drone.

  All is not what it may appear to be. Several days ago China seized a US Navy drone. Reaction has been much as one would expect. Demand that it be returned. How this is an borderline act of war and so on.   But then there's Donald Trump. President elect Trump says: Keep it. What? You are thinking to yourself now. That's right Trump tells China to just keep it.    The drone in and of itself is no big deal it's the act of the seizure is where the value of the drone lays. By President elect Trump tell in China to just keep it, the political value of the drone is lessened. It also starts the rumor that the drone's purpose was not to collect underwater data. But data from it's captors "China". Not Data found under the sea, but data found at it's location at a China military base.   Either way China don't get as large of an in your face insult as they would have hoped in this case. With the added bonus that it just could be true and their base h...

China is playing the bully in drone seizure.

  China plays hard ball with the US yet again.  The US unmanned drone they snatched from the south china sea is small in the scope of US China relations. But that's how big problems start.      "It is ours, and it is clearly marked as ours and we would like it back. And we would like this not to happen again," Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said. We would "like" it back.... All that is missing from Mr. Davis's statement is "pretty please with sugar on top."    Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook on Friday demanded that China return the unmanned underwater vehicle or UUV, which he said was “a sovereign immune vessel of the United States.”    Immune?  Apparently not or China could not have taken it. China has claimed the South China Sea, off the coast of the Philippines, as its territorial waters, but the United States and its allies have pushed back against the Chinese claim.     John McCain (R-Ariz....

Trumps business holdings the next problem for Donald.

  Trump's business ties will be the next issue the sore losers will latch on to as their electoral college assault falls flat.  The bloody murder screams from Trump detractors on how Donald Trump handles his business interest when he becomes president will be loud and visceral.  He must do this....He must do That... He must sell every thing.... He can't talk to his kids it's a conflict of interest. And on and on and on.  It is not possible to please Trumps critics no matter what he does when it comes to his business holdings. So what's he going to do?   It goes to his wife and kids. When he is president. Yes he talks to kids and yes sometime it will be about business. For those of you who have a problem with it.  Impeach him. Good luck with that.

Celebrities push electoral college members to dump Trump

   Sore looser celebrities line up to shame electoral college voters to "not to vote for Trump". Making clams that the forefathers foresaw a Donald Trump as the very reason for the electoral college.   That an uneducated easily doped public some day will be swayed by a "Donald Trump". That it's their (the electors) duty to save the country from a Donald Trump.   Really?   Today the forefathers have great wisdom and foresight when it comes to the likes of a Donald Trump type becoming president.   Yet.......      Yesterday the forefathers doomed this nation to endless gun violence, as "they" would have you believe, with the 2nd amendment.      Staying relevant is their one and only goal. Pander to their fans and groupies. A head line in some obscure magazine or website. It's their job.               

Trump's 35% Tariff is under pressure from Congress and big manufacturing

   Congress has been getting an earful from their big business donors. Trump's proposed 35% Tarff on goods sent into the United States places big manufacturing in a tight spot.    Many already have manufacturing operations in Mexico/China ect. The 35% tariff is bad news on the profitability of these operations. Not to mention future planes to expand or relocate manufacturing in these countries.   Congress is set to do big manufacturing's bidding in the name of "free trade" and lower prices.. Trump will counter with "fair trade" and increased US. employment. The battle lines are drawn.   Who will blink first?

Al Gore enters Trump Tower, Secretary of state?

   Al Gore made an appearance at Trump Tower. It has to have something to do with climate change.....right? Well...remember who we are dealing with here.    Donald Trump is full of surprises and this could be just one of those. With Secretary of State still open and the list of possible nominees growing by the day. Who's to say Al isn't on that list.   Al has been milking climate change for a long time perhaps he looking to get back in the game. What game you ask? the 2020 games.   Al checks a lot of the boxes needed to be the Democrat nominee in 2020. A position in the Trump administration could be his first step.

Australia and the UN Pulling as fast one on Refugees entering the United States.

  The United Nations’ refugee agency told Australia that its policy of banishing asylum seekers to remote Pacific island detention centers was illegal.    The Australian government said Sunday that it had reached a one-time agreement in which the United States would take in refugees who had been banished to a detention center on the tiny impoverished Pacific island nation of Nauru.   Mr. Turnbull would refused say how many of the refugees, who were granted  status by the United Nations, would be resettled in the United States. “U.S. authorities will conduct their own assessment of refugees and decide which people are resettled in the U.S.,” he said in a written statement. About 410 men, women and children are held on Nauru, and 823 men are held on Manus Island. Some are from Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Malaysia. He gave little reassurance that the plan would be honored under President-elect Donald J. Trump. “We deal with one administration at a ti...

Rexnord is next on Trumps hit list.

    Rexnord, which is based in Milwaukee, intends to move production of industrial bearings from Indianapolis to Monterrey, Mexico. The move, expected some time mid year 2017 would eliminate about 300 union jobs.    Trump has encouraged business leaders that relocating factories between states and negotiating for tax breaks is not a problem for the Trump administration.    Some state leaders see this as an open invitation for businesses to strong arm states for even more economic and tax relief to stay/expand or locate in their state.   The steelworkers union said Rexnord rejected the union’s proposals for wage freezes and other concessions to lower costs. The union said the hourly wages at the plant, which currently range from $18.00 to $30.00, would have to drop below the U.S. minimum to match the company’s estimated costs savings in Mexico.   This makes Trumps 35% tariff in situations like this a needed stick t...

Trump Disses China with Taiwan call.

  State Department officials have a collective panic attack over a  phone call from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. Yes she called him.  China builds military air bases in the South  China sea and the state department doesn't blink an eye. President elect Trump takes a call and you would think the world had just ended.   This is not business as usual. China is sticking it finger in the United States eye when it comes to trade and it's military expansion in the south China sea. The call between Trump and Tsai Ing-wen was prearranged. Trump knew full well of the diplomatic consequences. Yet he took the call.   This is not a rookie mistake but a diplomatic shot across the bow of China. Donald Trump grabbed a diplomatic chip from the table by taking the call and China is not a happy camper over it. Welcome to a new world  China.  

Sarah Palin goes rogue again.

  Sarah Palin worries over the possibility of crony capitalism with the Carrier deal in Indiana. First of all the tax breaks/incentives come from the state of Indiana not the federal government.  President elect Donald Trump gave Carrier nothing.   Governor Pence and state officials had tried to work with Carrier in an effort to keep Carrier in Indiana including the tax break/incentives they ultimately did receive. Carrie's answer was no deal. They were leaving.     But then Donald Trump wins the election. The possibility of reduced regulations and lower corporate taxes became a reality. The stick of a 35% tariff on their product made in Mexico is a real possibility. President elect Trump makes the call to Carrier reinforcing his pledge for lower corporate taxes and regulator relief. This in addition to Indiana's tax  breaks/relief make the move to Mexico less attractive to Carrier.    Indiana's deal with Carrier ...

Mad Dog Mattis

"You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world, it's going to be bad."    "If in order to kill the enemy you have to kill an innocent, don't take the shot. Don't create more enemies than you take out by some immoral act."    "I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f--- with me, I'll kill you all."    "The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some a--holes in the world that just need to be shot. There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim."    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."      "We've backed off in good faith to try and give you a chance to straighten this problem out. But I am going to beg with you for a minute. I'm going...

Calexit can't come fast enough.

   Secession is a question you likely thought The United States solved in the 1860's. No, it not the south threating to leave this time, it's California. The election of Donald Trump is sighted as the reason for the rebirth of the Calexit movement.    Is it legal? Is it allowed under the constitution? Who cares? Let them go.  Let's not get deep in the weeds on economics of Californian secession.  I say let them go.    Under a hand full of conditions. If California goes there is no coming back. Not in it's entirety or any part of California. Any federally owned land inside of California remains sovereign US territory.   Those receiving federal government payment do continue to receive those payments but under the same rules that apply to any US citizen living in a foreign country.   DEAL?